What open-source LLMs or SLMs are you in search of? 34447 in total.

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TOP 7b Param LLMs

Gemma 7B It  google0.6387919110517
Mistral 7B Instruct V0.3  mistralai0.645454284414
Qwen2 7B Instruct  Qwen0.627786242215
Gemma 1.1 7B It  google0.56647725417
Zephyr 7B Beta  HuggingFaceH40.5222203153614
Internlm2 5 7B Chat  internlm0.55431810815
Gemma 7B  google0.5116303297117
Openchat 3.5 0106  openchat0.524324934014
Llama 2 7B Chat Hf  meta-llama0.5756493369313
Mistral 7B V0.3  mistralai0.523860830314
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TOP 34b Param LLMs

Yi 1.5 34B Chat  01-ai0.61021120869
Yi 34B Chat  01-ai0.5719333869
Yi 1.5 34B 32K  01-ai0.471533469
Yi 1.5 34B Chat 16K  01-ai0.466532569
Yi 34B  01-ai0.48522127168
Yi 1.5 34B  01-ai0.456314469
YiSM 34B 0rn  altomek0.42076167
Blossom V5.1 34B  Azure990.42751468
CodeLlama 34B Instruct Hf  codellama0.42818427267
Yi 34B 200K  01-ai0.3524731368
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Phi 3 Mini 4K Instruct  microsoft0.730382899017
Meta Llama 3 8B  meta-llama0.72363158541916
Meta Llama 3 8B Instruct  meta-llama0.62604904308116
Phi 3 Mini 128K Instruct  microsoft0.6116779114977
Mistral 7B Instruct V0.3  mistralai0.645454284414
Qwen2 7B Instruct  Qwen0.627786242215
Zephyr 7B Beta  HuggingFaceH40.5222203153614
Internlm2 5 7B Chat  internlm0.55431810815
Openchat 3.5 0106  openchat0.524324934014
Llama 2 7B Chat Hf  meta-llama0.5756493369313
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About LLM Explorer

LLM Explorer: A platform connecting over 30,000 AI and ML professionals every month with the most recent Large Language Models, 34447 total. Offering an extensive collection of both large and small models, it's the go-to resource for the latest in AI advancements. With intuitive categorization, powerful analytics, and up-to-date benchmarks, it simplifies the search for the perfect language model for any business application. Whether you're an AI enthusiast, researcher, or industry professional, LLM Explorer is your essential guide to the dynamic landscape of language models.

Summary Statistics

Total LLMs34447
Quantized LLMs10497
Merged LLMs3712
Finetuned LLMs752
Uncensored LLMs342
Instruction-Based LLMs5853
Codegen LLMs913
DB Last Update2024-07-27
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Original data from HuggingFace, OpenCompass and various public git repos.
Release v2024072501