What open-source LLMs or SLMs are you in search of? 33873 in total.

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DeepSeek V2 Chat  deepseek-ai+12236+166378
Llama3 ChatQA 1.5 8B  nvidia+8395+12716
DeepSeek V2  deepseek-ai+6362+97378
Hermes 2 Pro Llama 3 8B  NousResearch68.73+6397+4716
Llama 3 Youko 8B  rinna+7690+1016
Llama3 ChatQA 1.5 70B  nvidia71.46+1439+45141
Granite 8B Code Instruct  ibm-granite+1880+3516
Granite 34B Code Instruct  ibm-granite+294+3267
Meta Llama 3 120B Instruct  mlabonne+575+29243
Llama 3 Refueled  refuelai+90+2416
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TOP 34b Param LLMs

SUS Chat 34B  SUSTech85.03485711568
UNA SimpleSmaug 34B V1beta  fblgit77.4121891969
Smaug 34B V0.1  abacusai77.2962105569
Maxine 34B Stock  louisbrulenaudet77.282409367
Luminex 34B V0.2  ConvexAI77.1940321168
Luminex 34B V0.1  ConvexAI77.062008868
Yi 34B X2 V2  sumo4376.1720292121
Pearl 34B Ties  louisbrulenaudet75.482530367
Bagel Hermes 34B Slerp  Weyaxi75.243448068
HermesBagel 34B V0.1  dfurman75.152465168
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About LLM Explorer

LLM Explorer: A platform connecting over 30,000 AI and ML professionals every month with the most recent Large Language Models, 33873 total. Offering an extensive collection of both large and small models, it's the go-to resource for the latest in AI advancements. With intuitive categorization, powerful analytics, and up-to-date benchmarks, it simplifies the search for the perfect language model for any business application. Whether you're an AI enthusiast, researcher, or industry professional, LLM Explorer is your essential guide to the dynamic landscape of language models.

Summary Statistics

Total LLMs33873
Quantized LLMs9064
Merged LLMs4235
Finetuned LLMs792
Uncensored LLMs280
Instruction-Based LLMs4886
Codegen LLMs913
DB Last Update2024-05-11
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Original data from HuggingFace, OpenCompass and various public git repos.
Release v2024042801