What open-source LLMs or SLMs are you in search of? 34044 in total.

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Llama 3 Refueled  refuelai+700+8216
Yi 1.5 34B Chat  01-ai+1069+3369
Llama3 70B Chinese Chat  shenzhi-wang+591+36141
Sum Small  omi-health+88+357
ArrowPro 7B KUJIRA  DataPilot+1051+2514
Llama3 Llava Next 8B  lmms-lab+1588+1916
Llama 3 Sqlcoder 8B  defog+493+2316
...a 3 8B Instruct Gradient 4194K  gradientai+1195+1816
Llama 3 Cat 8B Instruct V1  TheSkullery+80+2116
Moistral 11B V4  TheDrummer+44+2121
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About LLM Explorer

LLM Explorer: A platform connecting over 30,000 AI and ML professionals every month with the most recent Large Language Models, 34044 total. Offering an extensive collection of both large and small models, it's the go-to resource for the latest in AI advancements. With intuitive categorization, powerful analytics, and up-to-date benchmarks, it simplifies the search for the perfect language model for any business application. Whether you're an AI enthusiast, researcher, or industry professional, LLM Explorer is your essential guide to the dynamic landscape of language models.

Summary Statistics

Total LLMs34044
Quantized LLMs9083
Merged LLMs3852
Finetuned LLMs803
Uncensored LLMs284
Instruction-Based LLMs4855
Codegen LLMs941
DB Last Update2024-05-14
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Original data from HuggingFace, OpenCompass and various public git repos.
Release v2024042801