Top-Trending LLMs Over the Last Week. Week #14.

op-Trending Large Language Models Over the Last Week

Continuing with our weekly roundup, here's the latest on the AI models making waves in the community as of April 2, 2024. These models have captured widespread interest, as evidenced by their downloads and likes on platforms like Hugging Face and LLM Explorer. Let's dive into this week's standout LLMs, showcasing both innovation and progress in AI development.

1. Jamba V.01 by AI21: A pioneering model blending SSM and Transformer architectures, Jamba boasts 12 billion active parameters of a total 52 billion, supporting up to 256K token inputs. While excelling in text generation tasks, it requires careful moderation due to the absence of built-in safety features. Despite potential implementation challenges, Jamba's release under Apache 2.0 has been warmly received, reflecting a blend of enthusiasm and practical considerations within the community.

Community Insights

The Jamba model is recognized for its efficiency in handling large context lengths with advanced AI architectures on high-end 80GB GPUs. It supports a 256K context window, and its open-source release under Apache 2.0 has been positively noted. The model's operation, however, raises concerns about the high costs associated with the necessary GPUs, such as the Nvidia A6000, and the practical challenges of implementation. Discussions reflect a balance between enthusiasm for the model's technical capabilities and considerations regarding hardware accessibility and operational expenses.

2. Stable Code Instruct 3B by Stability AI: With 2.7 billion parameters, this model is tailored for coding and SQL query generation, surpassing benchmarks like MultiPL-E and MT Bench. Despite its technical prowess, it emphasizes non-commercial use, requiring direct engagement with Stability AI for broader applications.

3. Bitnet B1 58 3B by 1bitLLM: It aims to replicate the BitNet b1.58 model's performance, utilizing the RedPajama dataset for extensive training. The initiative highlights the potential for broader research and development, showcasing performance metrics across various benchmarks.

4. Qwen1.5 MoE A2.7B by Qwen: This model variant demonstrates the effective use of MoE architecture, achieving high performance with a fraction of the training resources and enhanced inference speed. The model's adaptability for specific applications through further customization is a notable aspect of its development.

5. Llama 2 7B Chat Hf 1bitgs8 Hqq with Low-Rank Adapter (HQQ+) by mobiuslabsgmbh: Demonstrating the advantages of extreme low-bit quantization, this model highlights significant performance improvements through fine-tuning, addressing the challenges of 1-bit quantization and underscoring the model's efficiency.

6. Qwen1.5 MoE A2.7B Chat by Qwen: Enhanced through a quantization process, this model variant maintains performance parity with less resource-intensive predecessors while offering faster inference, illustrating the ongoing evolution in model efficiency and application.

7. Pip Library Etl 1.3B by PipableAI: Excelling in code documentation and preparation for LLM and RAG pipelines, this model stands out for its contribution to simplifying complex AI tasks, benefiting from collaborative efforts within the AI community.

8. Dolphin 2.8 Mistral 7B V02: A model by Eric Hartford and cognitivecomputations with 14.3 billion parameters, optimized for tasks like coding and conversation. It's Apache 2.0 licensed, supported by Crusoe Cloud and others, and hosted for easy access, promoting the PipEtl library for interaction.

9. Qwen1.5 MoE A2.7B Chat GPTQ Int4 by Qwen: An INT4 quantized model from Qwen-1.8B, featuring 14.3 billion parameters for efficient performance. Requires fewer training resources and offers faster inference. It underwent fine-tuning and DPO, with usage recommendations including source compilation from Hugging Face transformers.

10. OLMo Bitnet 1B by NousResearch: A 1-billion parameter model focused on 1-bit LLM potential, trained on the Dolma dataset as a proof-of-concept. It showcases novel training approaches using OLMo and provides sample inference code for text generation, emphasizing innovation in NLP.

Stay tuned for next week's update for more on the top-trending LLMs shaping our future.

We invite you to share your experiences and reviews of these models on our platform, helping guide the community in the rapidly growing field of LLMs.

Stay tuned!

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Original data from HuggingFace, OpenCompass and various public git repos.
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